The impact of wind turbines on the weather

In the past, we should have learned about wind power generation in junior high school textbooks. Wind power generators use wind energy to convert electricity into electricity. Compared with coal-fired power generation, wind power generation is safer and more environmentally friendly. Compared with the construction of hydropower stations, wind power generation requires less investment and minimizes damage to the local natural environment. Today, the editor will briefly talk about the impact of wind power on the weather.

Through research on the operation of offshore wind farms and inland ridge wind farms, it can be found that if the humidity is high, a huge water vapor tail plume is prone to condense behind the wind wheel, which may affect the local microclimate, such as humidity and dust deposition. Of course, this impact is actually very small, and may be smaller than the impact of noise and migratory bird migration on the environment. From a large scale, the height of human development of wind power is limited, and it is certain that the impact on low-altitude plains and the sea is not significant. For example, the transportation height of monsoon water vapor is mainly about 850 to 900 Pa in the surface layer, which is equivalent to one thousand meters above sea level. From the perspective of wind farm site selection in my country, the site and development capacity of developable ridge wind farms on the monsoon path are very limited. In addition, the actual efficiency of wind turbines is limited, so the impact can be ignored. Of course, if the scale of wind power in the future expands to more than a certain proportion of the actual atmospheric circulation transport energy, we may be able to see the obvious impact in some areas-but overall the current level of wind power development is very small. The direct cause of this wake is that the air pressure behind the wind wheel is lower than before, causing condensation of water vapor in the air that is close to saturation. The occurrence of this situation is restricted by meteorological conditions, and it is impossible for inland wind farms in the north where the dry northerly wind prevails.

From the above introduction, it can be seen that wind power generation is not only clean, safe and efficient, but the most important thing is that the impact of wind power generators on the environment, the entire local climate, and weather is very small, it can be said that there is almost no.

Post time: Aug-13-2021